Uge 4
Week 4

26. januar 2025
26th january 2025
Miljømærkning af tryksager Environmental Labeling of Printed Matter Trykt hos Narayana Press Printed at Narayana Press  ­ Flere artikler Other articles

Trykstart: Jytte Høy
Printing start-up: Jytte Høy

Billedkunstner og skulptør Jytte Høy til trykstart på ‘Words Found More Added’, som udgives i anledning af kunstudstillingen af samme navn, 17.01.-30.03.2025 i Møstings.

Visual artist and sculptor Jytte Høy at the printing start-up of ‘Words Found More Added’, is published on the occasion of the art exhibition of the same name, which can be visited on 18.01-30.03.2025 at Møstings, Frederiksberg.

Trykstart: Really Simple Syndication
Printing start-up: Really Simple Syndication

Christopher Sand Iversen, RSS Press, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, performance kunstner, og Rebekka Elizabeth Anker Møller, kurator,
til trykstart af Dura Mater. Her sammen med Erik Tarp på rundvisning i trykkeriet.
Christopher Sand Iversen, RSS Press, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, performance artist, and Rebekka Elizabeth Anker Møller, curator,
at the printing start-up of Dura Mater. Here together with Erik Tarp.

Trykstart: Det Kgl. Bibliotek
Printing start-up: Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Charlotte Præstegaard, Det Kgl. Bibliotek, og Jacob Birch, Spine Studio, til trykstart af ‘Lene Adler Petersen – Rummet og tingene’.
Bogen udgives af Det Kgl. Bibliotek i anledning af fotoudstillingen af samme navn 21.02.-10.05.2025 i Den Sorte Diamant.
Charlotte Præstegaard, Det Kgl. Bibliotek (The Royal Library), and
Jacob Birch, Spine Studio, at a printing start-up of
‘Lene Adler Petersen – Rummet og tingene’. The book is published by Det Kgl. Bibliotek (The Royal Library)
on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name 21.02.-10.05.2025 at The Black Diamond, Copenhagen.

Glimt fra trykken
Glimpses from the press

Ved kontrolbordet.
At the control desk.
Printing pallets.
Skift af trykplader.
Changing of printing plates.
Trykning af kort for Dinesen Floors.
Printing of cards for Dinesen Floors.

Bøger trykt hos Narayana Press
Books printed at Narayana Press

‘Viking Dynasties’
Af Tom Christensen, John Ljungkvist & Neil Price.
Redigeret af Kristian Jensen.
Udgivet på engelsk af Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab (bd. 127).
Grafisk design: Louise Hilmar.
Repro og tryk: Narayana Press.
‘Viking Dynasties’
By Tom Christensen, John Ljungkvist & Neil Price.
Edited by Kristian Jensen.
Published in English by Jutland Archaeological Society
(vol. 127).
Graphic design: Louise Hilmar.
Repro and printing: Narayana Press.
Opluk fra bogen.
A spread from the book.

‘Continuity and Change’
Af Torsten Madsen.
Udgivet på engelsk af Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab (bd. 129).
Grafisk design: Ea Rasmussen.
Repro og tryk: Narayana Press.
‘Continuity and Change’
By Torsten Madsen.
Published in English by Jutland Archaeologicical Sociciety Publications (vol. 129).
Graphic design: Ea Rasmussen.
Repro and printing: Narayana Press.
Opluk fra bogen.
A spread from the book.

‘Kompagni P. 5.’
Af Niels Gyrsting.
Udgivet af Frihedsmuseets Venners Forlag 2025.
Grafisk design: Niels Gyrsting.
Repro og tryk: Narayana Press.
‘Kompagni P. 5.’
By Niels Gyrsting.
Published by Frihedsmuseets Venners Forlag 2025.
Graphic design: Niels Gyrsting.
Repro and printing: Narayana Press.
Opluk fra bogen.
A spread from the book.

Opluk fra bogen ‘Duddi-Dagfugleøje’.
fra serien Børnebogsserien ‘Venner med naturen’.
Spread from the book ‘Duddi-Dagfugleøje’.
from the children’s book series ‘Friends with Nature’.
Opluk fra bogen ‘Egernet Ezzo’.
fra serien Børnebogsserien ‘Venner med naturen’.
Spread from the book ‘Egernet Ezzo’.
from the children’s book series ‘Friends with Nature’.
Børnebogsserien ‘Venner med naturen’. Af Mette Stentoft Therkildsen. Illustreret af Dorte Abrahamsen.
Udgivet af Experimentarium 2025. Grafisk design: Helle Madsen. Repro og tryk: Narayana Press.
Children’s book series ‘Friends with Nature’. By Mette Stentoft Therkildsen. Illustrated by Dorte Abrahamsen.
Published by Experimentarium 2025. Graphic design: Helle Madsen. Repro and printing: Narayana Press.

Se flere bøger trykt hos Narayana Press See more books printed at Narayana Press