Første kontakt er oftest en
som kan foregå skriftligt, telefonisk eller via e-mail.
Når projektet sættes i gang tilknyttes en ordrestyrer som fast kontaktperson, og i fællesskab udarbejdes en produktionsplan.
Ordrestyreren følger opgaven hele vejen fra prepressarbejde til den færdige tryksag er leveret, og sørger for papir-bestilling, evt. deltagelse i trykstart samt færdiggørelse hos underleverandør (fx bogbinder).
Ordrestyreren hjælper altid gerne ved spørgsmål vedrørende produktionsprocessen.
The first contact with a customer is often a request for a
quote – by letter, telephone or e-mail.
Once the order has been placed, a project manager will take it over and serve as the contact person during the production. The project manager is in constant touch with the production process.
A project plan is developed together with the customer, and the project manager will then be in charge of the order through the prepress up to the delivery of the finished product. This includes ordering of paper, participation in the start-up of printing and further processing (e.g. at the bookbinder’s), right through to the timely delivery of the product to the customer.
The project manager is available at all times for questions regarding the production process.
The first contact with a customer is often a request for a
quote – by letter, telephone or e-mail.
Once the order has been placed, a project manager will take it over and serve as the contact person during the production. The project manager is in constant touch with the production process.
A project plan is developed together with the customer, and the project manager will then be in charge of the order through the prepress up to the delivery of the finished product. This includes ordering of paper, participation in the start-up of printing and further processing (e.g. at the bookbinder’s), right through to the timely delivery of the product to the customer.
The project manager is available at all times for questions regarding the production process.
The first contact with a customer is often a request for a
quote – by letter, telephone or e-mail.
Once the order has been placed, a project manager will take it over and serve as the contact person during the production. The project manager is in constant touch with the production process.
A project plan is developed together with the customer, and the project manager will then be in charge of the order through the prepress up to the delivery of the finished product. This includes ordering of paper, participation in the start-up of printing and further processing (e.g. at the bookbinder’s), right through to the timely delivery of the product to the customer.
The project manager is available at all times for questions regarding the production process.